Over the last five years Football4community has been a space to tell the amazing and inspirational stories about footballers and the role they have off the field of play, supporting causes and projects that benefit the communities in which they live.
From January 2025 we changed the name and the objectives of the website to footballpeaceacademy.com. Our new Football Peace Academy concentrates on how the world game promotes the goals of of the United Nations to help people to thrive by developing the skills of everyday peacemaking in their own communities.
In this spirit we are delighted to announce our new project in Colombia, in partnership with Goles por la Paz in Bucaramanga. The project, Training Positive Peace Champions, is funded by The Charitable Foundation set up by Steve and Deborah Killelea, based in Sydney, Australia.
The project will run over three years, beginning Jnauary 2025. Check in on this website and on Football Peace Academcy social media, for all the latest news.
Meet the team
Tom Woodhouse
Emeritus Professor at the University of Bradford UK.
Tim Woodhouse
Project Director/ Co- Founder Goles por la Paz
Lorena Blanco
Training Director
Willington Ortiz
Programme Mansger
Co-Founder Goles por la Paz
contact us at webmaster@footballpeaceacademy.com